Dictionary and terms

The vocabulary in our style (we are consultants, professionals) serves to provide the reader with the meaning of a particular term or loanword. What constitutes its substance and how they should subsequently use it in the given business line or method. 


The 5S method helps to improve the workplace quality. It is designed to make it more organized so that both…

visual management, quality, ISO, workplace


AIDA is an acronym for the procedure in marketing communications as you get, motivate and trigger action on…

marketing, communication, interest, desire


An alibi is an argument that the person was elsewhere than expected. An alibi is often used in criminal…

alibismus, alibi


Alibism is the search for a person of various proofs, excuses and a way to avoid solving unpleasant…

alibist, alibi, alibismus

Balanced scorecard

Balanced Scorecard (hereinafter also BSC) is a strategic managerial system that helps convert the company's…

Balanced scorecard, strategy, business performance


Critical Control Point (CCP) - a section of production (operation, step, procedure) in which there is the…

checkpoint, critical point, HACCP

Corporate communication

Corporate communication  - a package of all forms of conduct through which the company conveys information…

Communication with workers, information

Corporate image

Corporate image would describe as the opinions and perceptions of the entity (company, product, man),…

image, corporate identity, perception


A crisis, a state of crisis is when there is a threat to security, the existence of the company, life and…

crisis management, crisis management

Crisis communication

Crisis communication - is communication focused on the prevention and solution of crisis situations so that…

management, crisis communication, conflict, crisis

Crisis plan

The crisis plan is an overview of actions and procedures to help solve the current crisis, the crisis…

crisis, crisis management, crisis management

Danger according to HACCP

HACCP hazards - all biological, chemical or physical hazards that can endanger the health of a food. A hazard…

biohazard, harmfulness, risk

Elevator pitch

Elevator pitch is a presentation in an elevator. It is a very short, information-intensive presentation. The…

presentation, elevator

Face-to-face communication

Communication with an individual (sometimes also called face-to-face commmunication) is aimed at finding,…

communication, information, verbal and non-verbal

Face-to-team communication

Communication within the team (sometimes also called Face to Team) is a way to effectively communicate with a…

face-to-team communication, communication with the

HACCP critical limit

Critical limit - means in the HACCP system to define for each critical point the characteristics that can be…

character, critical point, HACCP

HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical…

HACCP - is a system focused on the analysis of potential hazards in food handling. Not only does it analyze…

kritický bod, analýza rizik, potravinářství

Human Resources HR

HR Human Resources is a special field, a team, a department that manages human potential in a company. It…


Image is a picture of or idea a some reality. It may be one of the active creation of images of a person,…

image, idea, brand image, public


Infographic is a graphical display of data or ideas for effective presentation. Graphics helps give…

What is infographics, InfoVideo, data graphically


Insolvency is a situation where a company or other debtor is unable to repay its obligations even though it…

interactive presentation

An interactive presentation is a higher level of presentation, in which the presenter purposefully draws the…

interim management

Interim management is renting / hiring manager at a predetermined time and to achieve specific agreed targets…

Interim manager

An interim manager is a manager hired by a company to solve a challenging task. A task that should solve the…

ISO / IEC 27001 - Information security…

ISO / IEC 27001 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management system - is an…

cyber security, information, incident, statement of

ISO 27000 Information security…

ISO 27000 is an international standard defining basic terms for information security system (ISMS). At the…

ISMS dictionary, ISO 27000, risk information


Jidoka is a system for monitoring production and its quality. The purpose is to react immediately in the…

quality, automatization, production

Job position

The company uses people to achieve performance. For their correct organization, it defines job positions in…

Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a philosophy, method of efficient production where no unnecessary losses. The aim is to…

less inventory, quality control, elimination of

Lecturer, trainer

Lecturer (trainer) - is an expert who is able to teach specific skills, to train, educate other people and…

training, skills, habits, workshop


Management - is a capability, skill, art to control specific industries, situations, workers, all this…

manager, control, lead, team

Meaning of life

The meaning of life is actually the understanding of one's life's striving. Where is my life going and why?…

the meaning of life, the purpose, who I am


Modeling is the process of creating an image of reality or upcoming reality. The model is created in order…

model, image, visual


Motivation is the inner decision of a person (employee) to do something. He has made his own decisions and…

needs, Maslow, values


Negotiation is a communication process of exchanging information between parties with different attitudes,…


Newsletter is mass sending of the news to all candidates who have registered and are interested to receive…

mass mailing, addressing customers

Non-verbal communication

The non-verbal communication is a communication without words and voice through which people communicate…

non-verbal communication, facial expression, gestures

Pareto optimum

Pareto optimum shows balanced state of society in which no individual or group can no longer achieve a better…

Pareto analysis, diagram, method

Pareto Principle

Vilfredo Pareto, Italian economist define Pareto principle. He found that 80% of assets in Italy is held by…

Pareto diagram, Pareto rule, optimum

Porter's model

Porter's model is a method designed to evaluate the pressures acting on the company from the market…

market analysis, competition, rivalry

Power BI

Power BI is an application that can automatically create reports and evaluate KPIs. It helps making decisions…

report, kpi, automatizace, podpora rozhodování


A presentation is a targeted communication of information to a target group called listeners. It is necessary…

Process map

Process map is a graphical illustration of all major / top processes that a company needs to carry out its…

process map, management responsibility

Process owner

A process owner is a responsible person who creates a process in such a manner as to bring the company added…

process, responsibility, efficiency

Quality, grade

Quality represents the aggregate of specific parameters that a particular product, service or system…

what is the quality, characteristics, product


Review - operations carried out in order to determine whether the subject of review is suitable, adequate…


The risk is the danger or failure that can threaten us. It is also the probability of loss, damage, injury or…

danger, loss, weakness, risk analysis

Risk analysis

Risk analysis is analyzing, examining adverse states, hazards that can be with a given probability set and…

impact, risk, risk significance, risk analysis


SIPOC is a simple method for describing processes. Capital letters are the names of words that are used in…

description of processes, inputs, outputs, supplier

Stakeholders – interest group

Stakeholders often called interest groups are different entities that are in contact with the company and to…

stakeholder, interest groups, investor

Strategy map

Strategy map is a graphical representation of the company's strategy through strategic objectives of the…

map of strategy, strategy, business performance


Synergy marks activities and phenomena in which the total result achieved is is greater than the sum of the…

creativity, connection, positive thinking, synergic

Time management

Time management is a part of management concerned with efficient use of time. How quickly, with minimal time…

time, efficiency, goals, finalizing

Toyota production system TPS

The Toyota Manufacturing System (TPS) is the entire manufacturing system created by Toyota. The system is…

production system, automotive industry


Training is education of people aimed at enhancing skills or professional qualifications. Consolidate…

education, course, seminar, workshop

Verbal communication

The verbal communication is communication utilizing words and voice. That is, what words, phrases,…

verbal communication


The workshop is team-teaching method designed to address specific cases or teach or practice of pre-defined…

workshop, course, practice, training

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