

The 7 Tools Of Quality

They are very basic tools that help the management and quality specialists stabilize processes, enhance the quality level, identify nonconformities, vizualize the status and so on. The 7 tools of quality represent basic methods for lasting improvement in processes. 


Flowcharts easily make it possible to describe progress of operations, activities, their sequence or even fundamental relations among them. Thus, each process or activity is made transparent and simplified.

Weird logic or going for the second-hand stuff

A lack of reason and, in particular, responsibility in defining the criteria for selection procedures to educate an organization´s staff has lately become „commonplace“ in the sphere of education and, unfortunately, not only there. Ever more frequently, we have seen the price becoming the one and only performance criterion. 

Agreement possible? Yes – in two cases out of three!

A cardinal argument for mediation is the number of disputes this intelligent mode of discussing conflicts has lately helped to resolve abroad.

On the art of (not) wasting big money

A small entrepreneur or tradesman who has invested into costly capacity equipment and is launching new production has to think another way than a big corporation. They would like to inform potential customers about their crispy rolls and beautiful family houses, however, being involved in debt, they cannot even afford to knock on the door of a big agency.



Training is education of people aimed at enhancing skills or professional qualifications. Consolidate knowledge, to verify the practical ability to use the knowledge in practice.


The workshop is team-teaching method designed to address specific cases or teach or practice of pre-defined procedures. Workshop moderator manages and together with the team leader defines the case or problem for workshop (possible solutions). Accordingly that, he prepares the workshop program and suitable methods for solving the case.

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