Dictionary and terms

The vocabulary in our style (we are consultants, professionals) serves to provide the reader with the meaning of a particular term or loanword. What constitutes its substance and how they should subsequently use it in the given business line or method. 


Image is a picture of or idea a some reality. It may be one of the active creation of images of a person,…

image, idea, brand image, public


Infographic is a graphical display of data or ideas for effective presentation. Graphics helps give…

What is infographics, InfoVideo, data graphically


Insolvency is a situation where a company or other debtor is unable to repay its obligations even though it…

interactive presentation

An interactive presentation is a higher level of presentation, in which the presenter purposefully draws the…

interim management

Interim management is renting / hiring manager at a predetermined time and to achieve specific agreed targets…

Interim manager

An interim manager is a manager hired by a company to solve a challenging task. A task that should solve the…

ISO / IEC 27001 - Information security…

ISO / IEC 27001 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management system - is an…

cyber security, information, incident, statement of

ISO 27000 Information security…

ISO 27000 is an international standard defining basic terms for information security system (ISMS). At the…

ISMS dictionary, ISO 27000, risk information

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