Human Resources to deal with how to find and exploit the potential of man not only for its own development but also company. How to evaluate the work of worker productivity, as well as a set of mutual relations in the workplace for cooperation. The Human Resources include human resource planning, staff selection, training, setting personal development, remuneration and termination of cooperation.
Human resources
Specialists in the field
360 Degree Feedback Method in Workers´Assessment
„An awareness of any disparity between the way we see ourselves and the way we are seen by others increases an awareness (knowledge) of our selves, and it is the boosted self-awareness that is key in making a manager perform on the top level.…
The authenticity of presentations
Sometimes everyone can be in a situation, when he or she must face for some reason an audience, small or big group of people, who is waiting meantime patiently for our speech. It can be just horror or nice meeting. These occasions can be very…
How to be positive
You often hear people say - Do be positive! Think positive! This is the way out of your problems. Except that people are largely bound to hear this phrase when they are not doing very well, when they are challenged by serious problems. …
Creativity is not a coincidence
You may have come across the opinion that creativity is a privilege of just a few chosen ones. Still, company owners demand that their employees have new creative ideas or a creative approach to their activities. Without new approaches, ideas, the…
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is largely used in marketing to evaluate Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads of a particular company within the market environment where it does business. It enables to make a realistic picture of the strengths…