Human Resources to deal with how to find and exploit the potential of man not only for its own development but also company. How to evaluate the work of worker productivity, as well as a set of mutual relations in the workplace for cooperation. The Human Resources include human resource planning, staff selection, training, setting personal development, remuneration and termination of cooperation.
Human resources
Specialists in the field

Digitization and automation must respect people and corporate culture
Most managers have already encountered the term Industry 4.0, which also includes automation, digitization and automatic data collection and processing. Focusing on the technical side of the organization's development in this direction is…

Discover the real skills of the employee - recruitment
The prepared presentations and the discussion on the candidate's CV will show only what the candidate has prepared for you. You will learn nothing at all about his professionalism, natural skills for your job position and ability to solve…

Save time of your HR and managers - Video diagnostics will help you
One way to save money in HR is to improve personnel selection - to get the right people in the right place. The right fit means lower turnover rate, higher profitability and elimination of costs for recruitment campaigns, selection procedures,…

Personnel and capacity audit or model of effective job position?
Personnel and capacity audits are usually approached after management has felt that the organization is not operating effectively. Especially in large corporations where there is a high level of administration, auditing is a common tool. Just the…

AC/DC cheaper than an HR agency
It sounds pretty musical indeed, yet it really means assessment and development center. As far as AC is concerned, it assesses a candidate´s suitability for a specific managerial position. An inferior candidate on such a responsible…