Don't look
individual specialists
use a well-coordinated team.

Public relations are techniques, methods and tools by which a company or a society creates, maintains credibility relationships and awereness with its surroundings (the public, partners, suppliers,…
Own way - personal development

Our own path of personal (spiritual) development - the development of our personal psychic and mental abilities. Finding a way to ourselves and to our skills that we can apply in our lives. It all…
Network of our specialists
Experience of our clients

The "I can" feeling
BUT. Such a short word. It's hard to imagine the impact that word can have, isn't it?

Do you recognize the symptoms of burnout syndrome?
Employee mental health is a key factor in the success of any business. Mentally healthy employees are happier and more productive. At the same time, the burnout syndrome is one of the main problems of companies. The big question is: How can we…

Change management and umbrella? What do these two have in common?
One thing we can be sure of: endless change. Just like the weather, nothing is set in stone. We can trust that, even when we face rain, the sun will always return. One does not exclude the other. We just need to be prepared and use the right…

Information security risk analysis - qualitative or quantitative?
In the past, risks were sought in production, in processes and people. Today, information is the main foundation on which companies can operate. Most companies have all the data and information in data warehouses, clouds, information systems. If…

Own Way has expanded its portfolio with a great legal specialist
We are pleased to announce that the network of specialists has expanded with a new specialization and a new great lawyer. On February 12, 2021, Jiří Střelec and Vratislav Urbášek from the law firm Urbášek & Partners signed the contract. You can…
Jiří Střelec | 13/02/2021

Automation and digitization: experience with productivity level evaluation
Work productivity evaluation - one of the basic activities and one of the basic data that we use in stabilizing processes, increasing performance, planning and continuous improvement. To be able to use current real productivity data effectively…

Audit workflow automation - case study
Audits, as an important part of the control and development of organizations, are familiar to all of us. There are a number of them, from audits of management systems, information security, health and safety, to audits of an operational nature, such…

Crisis management in your company? Temporary marriage between the owner and the crisis manager.
The crisis manager's mission is to help the client through a crisis period that almost every company gets into sooner or later. He or she is an experienced manager who can do the job well, if certain rules work. Which are they and what to set…

Digitization and automation must respect people and corporate culture
Most managers have already encountered the term Industry 4.0, which also includes automation, digitization and automatic data collection and processing. Focusing on the technical side of the organization's development in this direction is…

Process Management - Start with reports and kpi
The process setup of a company is a long-term matter. It only takes months to define processes. It costs the company a huge amount of employee capacity and of course the company's money. It will take a number of weeks before everything goes into…