

Pavel Trvaj

Ing. Pavel Trvaj - QESTR - provides consulting and advisory activities in the implementation of management systems according to ISO and OHSAS standards. He also offer educational activities in the field of process, system engineering, ISO standards, safety regulations and the implementation of mandatory statutory health and safety training.


Information security risk analysis - qualitative or quantitative?

In the past, risks were sought in production, in processes and people. Today, information is the main foundation on which companies can operate. Most companies have all the data and information in data warehouses, clouds, information systems. If access to data is restricted, the entire company will stop. Information security today has a major impact on the survival of companies. Here arises a new...

A good solution for the business requires to going into the depth of the problem

We frequently face the situation when the business owners are seeking for the solution of the business problems in the wrong places. Instead of eliminating the causes of the situation, they want quick, universal solutions and immediate elimination of the consequences. They are looking for solutions that will allow them to focus on more and more operative tasks because they are not willing to sit...

The up-to date system need not fear ISO 9001:2015 changes

Effectively prepared management system need not fear ISO 9001 changes, for example also 2015. Correctly processed map of processes, individual processes (for example in the flow-chart form) make possible finding: all needed information, direction of the changes and process of risks analysis.

360 Degree Feedback Method in Workers´Assessment

„An awareness of any disparity between the way we see ourselves and the way we are seen by others increases an awareness (knowledge) of our selves, and it is the boosted self-awareness that is key in making a manager perform on the top level." 

J. D. Turnow

Risk analysis

Nearly all projects, new systems, development of products or changes in companies face risks. Managers and specialists do their best to minimize risks and avoid losses. Risk analysis is a process that helps to identify types of risks which can occur, and which can have the most significant impact on the losses. We will show you how to make such risk analysis.

Target group is the key to fulfilling goals

Everybody should strive to accomplish their goals – without the exception of the services and tourism sectors. How to prepare a supply of services in order to attract potential customers? How to compile a product? We will guide you through the very steps of the product compilation for your resort, hotel or guesthouse. The key to success is information – the knowledge of the target g...

The Most Frequent Failings in Creating a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis represents  a frequently used method  to create a strategy.  These days, not only marketing workers  but also managers are supposed to be familiar with that. The analysis helps to assess the current condition of both the company and the environment it does business in.  Sadly, I come across a whole range of failings rather too frequently.  Such...

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is largely used in marketing to evaluate Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads of a particular company within the market environment where it does business. It enables to make a realistic picture of the strengths of the company´s internal evironment as compared with the external (market) one and helps to find an adequate strategy to make a profit...

The 7 Tools Of Quality

They are very basic tools that help the management and quality specialists stabilize processes, enhance the quality level, identify nonconformities, vizualize the status and so on. The 7 tools of quality represent basic methods for lasting improvement in processes. 

SWOT Analysis for the Public Service - Methodology

On the top levels of management, particularly when medium-term and long-term strategic documents are being elaborated, information acquired through modern analytical methods is required ever more increasingly. These methods do not only work with data come from the traditional spheres, i.e. operating and economic data, but they also include qualitative data from the spheres of law, human resources...

Investment analysis

The company´s development in its respective stages cannot do without investment.  Making the right decision as to where to invest your money and efforts is easier when you can take advantage of a financial consultant´s service, or when knowing the analysis described for your below.  

Void of vision and strategy equals bad business

Most entrepreneurs begin their career with an idea that they think they can make enough money on. Such an idea is, initially, of the essence, but does every entrepreneur have a similar idea (or vision) up the sleeve for the coming years? How to find the right vision and build a good strategy described in this article.

Analysis of competitive threats and pressures on the market

Today even smaller companies are able to knoc out much bigger firms which often boast of their renown. Everything depends on the distribution of power within a particular market segment, and, also, on how familiar they are to managers.


Communication training of L1

Find a way how to individually improve own communication and create a good image of the IT team. Help to increase the effectiveness of communication and training / coaching staff in order to obtain better habits and skills in communicating with users.


Creating  a long-term development plan and increasing competitiveness 


Risk analysis

Risk analysis is analyzing, examining adverse states, hazards that can be with a given probability set and cause us harm. Analysis looking for the most significant risks, which need appropriate actions to eliminate or completely prevent of their origin, if possible.

Pareto optimum

Pareto optimum shows balanced state of society in which no individual or group can no longer achieve a better position without that would in turn worsen the position of someone else.

Porter's model

Porter's model is a method designed to evaluate the pressures acting on the company from the market environment. It assesses the pressure, rivalry and interaction of competitors, suppliers, customers and substitutes. The result of their combined effect is finding profit potential.


The risk is the danger or failure that can threaten us. It is also the probability of loss, damage, injury or other negative events caused by external or internal "weakness", which can be avoided through prevention.

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