Description: Setting the Company's personnel policy and standards of corporate communication
Advisor: Petr Hlušička
Personal consulting - human resources, communications.
Creation of an effective system of human resources and the subsequent setting and implementation of HR processes. Adjustment of corporate communication within the company and externally.
I consider the cooperation with Mgr. Petr Hlušička to be very useful. In my opinion he is real professional in his field, who is deeply concerned in the specific profit of his client. I experienced extra care about the client, and with great pleasure I can recommend his services to other companies.
I appreciate especially professional and proactive attitude, a sense for detail, pleasant communication and time flexibility.
Times have changed and the values once taken for granted are now gone. Time and again, the teacher has to win their authority and, moreover, to cope even with bullying from the side of the students. The situation is not always hopeless. A…