Corporate communication  - a package of all forms of conduct through which the company conveys information about its activites, thus communicating with the outside world. It includes not only external subjects, but also internal environment such as employees, shareholders, executive bodies of the company and so on.

Corporate communication forms an important part of corporate identity. With the help of corporate communication, a communication link is created not only outside the company, but also inside. When communicating with the external environment, we mainly use promotion tools (advertising, sales support, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsoring, etc.). For internal communication, methods of information transmission, styles of behavior, communication between employees, etc. are important. Corporate communication is linked with other elements of corporate identity.
We can include the following tools, ways, means in corporate communication:
  • consultation
  • company magazine
  • company-wide meeting
  • presentation
  • image of buildings and offices
  • message boards
  • intranet
  • corporate clothing
  • verbal and non-verbal communication
  • LCD screen system
  • ...
Communication is a very powerful tool that determines how employees will perform, how they will work together, what relationships will be formed. To improve communication, we can only recommend setting up a company communication school.
You can read more about communication in our section Principles of effective communication.