Alibism is the search for a person of various proofs, excuses and a way to avoid solving unpleasant situations or difficult decisions. He is simply looking for a way to avoid defaulting.

Alibism in the company

Managers can encounter a whole set of behaviors, communication and excuses so that the employee does not have to carry out activities that they simply do not want to do. He thus tries to avoid fulfilling his duties, which he has, for example, in the job description, in the contract or in the processes.

At the management level, alibiism is reluctant to make unpopular decisions. It is simply easier to find surrogate evidence and give it more weight than they have and deceive others so that a decision is not necessary or is not the right time.


Alibist is a person who seeks and makes excuses so that he does not have to do activities that he does not want to do.


Read more - How to deal with alibis.